3 Power-Words Successful Communicators Use Everyday

Ursula Lauriston
3 min readJan 1, 2021
Photo via Unsplash

Let’s talk about the power of language.

We’re all looking for massive success in life. But while some have cracked the code, others are left confused and lagging in the dust.

Indulge me for a moment and let your mind wander to your last dental visit. I can see you now. Seated in the center of a sterile room. A dental assistant wraps a smock around your neck and preps you for the dentist. An exam light shines in your eyes and a suction valve is lodged in the corner of your mouth. “Central incisor, molar, inferior 2, 5.

WTF are they talking about you wonder. Why are my teeth numbered, and what do these numbers mean?

Here’s another example that’s perhaps more relevant. You meet up with some new colleagues or attend a networking event. The bulk of attendees work in an industry you know of but are worlds apart from. They’re speaking English but you have no idea what they’re talking about.

Now imagine a new scenario. You’re at the same networking event. And again, you’re outside of the industry. What’s different this time? This time you have a secret weapon. And that secret weapon is you speak their language.

Sometimes the only thing that’s holding you back from the next level in your career, your business, your relationships, and…

